Giovedì, 14 Gennaio 2010 14:10
Broken Sword in arrivo anche su iPhone e iPod Touch!

Revolution Software ha annunciato che tra circa un mese Broken Sword: Shadows of the Templars - The Director's Cut, già uscito lo scorso anno per Nintendo DS e Wii, arriverà sull'App Store per essere scaricato e giocato su iPhone e iPod Touch. Qui di seguito il comunicato stampa (in lingua inglese) degli sviluppatori:
"Broken Sword: The Director's Cut for iPhone and iPod touch announced, out within a month. Revolution Software unveils latest handheld adventure - release imminent
12/01/2010: One of the all-time classic adventure games is heading to iPhone and iPod touch as Revolution Software today announces Broken Sword: The Director's Cut for iPhone and iPod touch. The game, a significant update to one of the most popular adventures ever written, will be available from the App Store within a month.
Broken Sword: The Director's Cut is a loving update to the adventure which introduced George Stobbard, Nico Collard and the conspiracy of the Knights Templar in an epic narrative spanning the globe. A massive smash on its original release, the Director's Cut includes a significant amount of content not featured in the home computer version, adding approximately 20 per cent to the total play time.
The game begins with Nico Collard's investigation into the brutal murder of an eminent Parisian statesman, and continues at a breakneck pace, as events collide in a race-against-time against sinister conspirators and an arcane secret that has resonated through the ages. Unique in terms of its production values, quality of narrative and contemporary plot weaving legend with fiction, it's a game as relevant today as it was at its original release.
The game represents a significant investment from Revolution Software. The interface has been entirely redesigned for the touchscreen devices. Utilising an improved version of the control mechanism premiered in Beneath a Steel Sky - Remastered, it is effortless to play, allowing players to concentrate on the award-winning narrative and puzzles which have made it such an enduring adventure.
Graphically, Broken Sword: The Director's Cut benefits from an updated look and feel, with the introduction of new cut-scenes and animations from celebrated artist Dave Gibbons. A context-sensitive help system offers a range of in-game hints for those stumped by the game's ingenious puzzles.
"We were absolutely thrilled with the reaction to our first iPhone and iPod touch release," says Charles Cecil, managing director, Revolution Software. "Beneath a Steel Sky - Remastered, which was awarded multiple 'adventure of 2009' accolades as well as 'Game of the month' on many sites, showed us there's a considerable enthusiasm for updated versions of our classic adventures, and we're delighted to be following it up so soon with the release of Broken Sword: The Director's Cut. User feedback from our first release has been incorporated into this game - you can skip the opening cut-scene, for example, which, I must admit, was certainly an oversight in BASS - so we're confident this will be received even better than BASS-Remastered was last year.
"We're particularly excited to be introducing the game to a whole new audience. I am confident that the quality of the original adventure coupled with significant updates and new assets will ensure that the game appeals both to new players as well as those that played the original first time around.
Broken Sword: The Director's Cut will be available through the App store within a month, price tba".
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