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The Secrets of Jesus

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The Secrets of Jesus

Messaggioda Amir il sabato 16 febbraio 2019, 15:55

ciao insieme,

Mi scuso che ora la lingua è inglese.

Hello :D

i would like to present my game. It’s a point and click adventure game about Jesus and his story after the crucifixion. Im still working on it, it has not been released yet. don't think it's just for unbelievers, if it has black humor, no, i'm sure, that Christians will like it too. And as I know, there are many religious people in Italy. Maybe the Pope will play it too in the future :D im kidding, he will kill me :lol:

Mi fido a volte dei traduttori di Google.
The Secrets of Jesus è un gioco di avventura punta e clicca che racconta la storia di Gesù (Cristo) dopo la crocifissione. Suoni Gesù, che sta cercando il romanzo. Risolvi enigmi, svela segreti e aiutalo a trovare una persona scomparsa e sfuggire i Romani.

Immergiti nell'atmosfera del primo secolo. Conosci molte citazioni e detti dalla Bibbia. Incontra persone bibliche, vivi una vera avventura con molto humour nero e decidi alla fine se è una storia vera o una storia falsa.

On the website you will finde some screenshots and links.


So if your are interested, please follow the game on Twitter or Facebook to see the news.
Thank you.

I hope you have a sense for black humour and you like it. :)
Ultima modifica di Amir il sabato 10 agosto 2019, 14:12, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Messaggi: 7
Iscritto il: sabato 16 febbraio 2019, 3:13
Località: Germany

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Messaggioda asterix777 il lunedì 18 febbraio 2019, 20:15

Actually, it's a very difficult and delicate subject.
Anyway, good luck for your game.
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Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Messaggioda Amir il lunedì 18 febbraio 2019, 21:41

asterix777 ha scritto:Actually, it's a very difficult and delicate subject.
Anyway, good luck for your game.

Do u mean in Italy? In Germany this subject is no more difficult and delicate. For example, every day many books are published that criticize or mock the Christianity. Even the Christians are more excited about the game, as i realized.

By the way im an ex-christian, and i was very very religious. Im saying that, coz many think im muslim who hates the Christianity or Jesus.

Anyway, good luck for your game.

Thank u so much. :)
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Messaggi: 7
Iscritto il: sabato 16 febbraio 2019, 3:13
Località: Germany

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Messaggioda Dead Space il venerdì 1 marzo 2019, 11:12

I don't think it's a delicate subject, many different movies or cartoons and other medias has been done about jesus in a humouristic manner without any problem.
It's different if we talk of offensive content but i don't think it's your game.
Anyway good work!
What kind of engine do you use?
Dead Space
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Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Messaggioda Amir il sabato 2 marzo 2019, 3:34

Dead Space ha scritto:I don't think it's a delicate subject, many different movies or cartoons and other medias has been done about jesus in a humouristic manner without any problem.
It's different if we talk of offensive content but i don't think it's your game.
Anyway good work!
What kind of engine do you use?

Thank u :)

AGS engine.
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Messaggi: 7
Iscritto il: sabato 16 febbraio 2019, 3:13
Località: Germany

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Messaggioda Amir il sabato 10 agosto 2019, 14:11

Hi, I made an english trailer.
Have fun.
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Messaggi: 7
Iscritto il: sabato 16 febbraio 2019, 3:13
Località: Germany

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Messaggioda Amir il mercoledì 28 agosto 2019, 20:34

Hi guys,

The Steam page of The Secrets of Jesus is available now. Dont forget to wishlist if you would like to play it :)

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Messaggi: 7
Iscritto il: sabato 16 febbraio 2019, 3:13
Località: Germany

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