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Star war was mentioned in the TV play Black Mirror

Il forum ufficiale della saga dei Gordon: qui si parla di Black Mirror 2 e Black Mirror 3!

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Star war was mentioned in the TV play Black Mirror

Messaggioda saralayss il lunedì 16 luglio 2018, 8:18

Few days ago,when I saw an episode of the Black Mirror ,I found the background of the story is Star war.The costume of the captain there is similar to what I saw in the film.But the story line is totally different and made me a little bit confused.
Messaggi: 4
Iscritto il: giovedì 28 giugno 2018, 8:52

Re: Star war was mentioned in the TV play Black Mirror

Messaggioda Haggis McMutton il lunedì 16 luglio 2018, 13:58

This is not exactly the right thread to discuss this... the series is not inspired from the videogame... they share the same name, but they're two totally different things.
The tv series thread in the off topic section would be a better place.
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Haggis McMutton
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Iscritto il: venerdì 14 dicembre 2012, 15:34
Località: La stessa del papà di Broken Sword

Re: Star war was mentioned in the TV play Black Mirror

Messaggioda saralayss il martedì 17 luglio 2018, 10:19

Haggis McMutton ha scritto:This is not exactly the right thread to discuss this... the series is not inspired from the videogame... they share the same name, but they're two totally different things.
The tv series thread in the off topic section would be a better place.

Sorry for that ,and I will move it into the off topic as soon as possible.Yes,the film is several years earlier than the Tvplay.
Messaggi: 4
Iscritto il: giovedì 28 giugno 2018, 8:52

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