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Until I'm Gone in ritardo

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Until I'm Gone in ritardo

Messaggioda Azrael il martedì 27 marzo 2007, 9:00

Until I'm Gone è stato rimandato, la nuova data di rilascio è dal terzo quarto di quest'anno (luglio, agosto, settembre).

Riporto l'intera news (in inglese):
Release date delay!?
26th of March 2007
Yes, you've probably figured this out yourselves, considering the release date *Winter 2006* has been hanging here (and still is) even though it's 2007 already. Nevertheless we beleived and hoped *all this time* that we could make it. Because the winter of 2006 spanned not only from November to December 2006 but also January through February and March 2007. Our hopes were ended definitely last week when unfortunately officialy ended the winter of 2006 and so we were bound to anounce an unpleasant message - Until I'm Gone is going to be late. The new realease date is set to the 3.-4.quarter of year 2007. But this time we would like to explain the delay in more detail:
We probably did a fatal mistake already in the beginning of the development process: we announced something that one shouldn't announce in freeware projects, not even much smaller ones, just because it cannot be determined precisely. And that something is the release date. We probably should have gone the way of many other developers and made our lives easier by giving you the (un)popular phrase *When it's done...* instead of a firm date. This way we would have saved ourselves the troubles with delays. But who could guessed? Simply no one had the experience and knew the rule that in the beginning the project always progresses at high speed (at least our did), but during the development the pace slows down (and basicaly it's bound to if we are to keep on with our lives like normal human beings and not like a group of omnipotent extatic developers). Nobody counted with this while esimating the release date). Nobody also could have guessed that some people will simply have to leave during the development even though they don't want to (because of the lack of time) and that we'll have to find a qualified replacement, who'll again have his own life and his own worries that take up his time. This still remains as a FREEWARE project, we cannot afford to pay anything to anyone. Where others simply raise the salary (or threaten to lower it ) we can only use psychology. No one can be forced to turn in his work earlier, we just don't have the right persuaders :-). I think that the above mentioned conditions of the development speak for themselves and believe us:
if you are discontent with the state of things, then we are literally ...Nonetheless, if there was a fan eagerly awaiting the realease and we've just ruined his life, making him grind our name between his teeth, we can calm him down with one simple fact: while other comparable projects around fall away, we keep on going...
After a long time we've also decided to make your waiting more pleasant by giving out 3 new screenshots from the game. On two of them you can see new scenes used in the game and on the third one you can see one of the local man from Pitfall mountains- Samuel Klein.

In pratica dicono che hanno commesso il tipico errore di quando si fa un progetto free, dare una data ;)

Inoltre ci sono 3 nuovi screen:

Riprendo anche una news precedente dicendo che hanno di molto migliorato le ombre dei personaggi (e quindi dovuto rifare parte del lavoro per le stanze) come si vede dai seguenti due screen.

Prima (l'ombra è solo un cerchietto sotto al personaggio): http://www.farawaystudios.com/gfx/UIGGa ... eption.jpg

Dopo (l'ombra è fatta come dovrebbe essere, notate anche che si curva sugli oggetti su cui viene proiettata): http://www.farawaystudios.com/gfx/stencilshadows.jpg
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Iscritto il: sabato 2 ottobre 2004, 20:32


Messaggioda panko il martedì 27 marzo 2007, 9:43

ciauz, bè, per un giocone freeware cosi posso perdonare il ritardo, sopratutto perchè ci sono produzioni a pagamento che si fanno attendere molto di più :twisted:
ciauz dal PANKO 8)
Io sn il filatoio cn cui s tesse iltuo destino.Il gomitolo ke t avvolge.E le forbici cn cui s taglia.Sn la tua casa.Latua felicità.Sn la voce ke tocca iltuo cuore.Qlnque cs tu faccia,ovunque tu sia,nn puoi fare a meno d me.Uniti...Ben oltre la morte.
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Iscritto il: mercoledì 18 febbraio 2004, 12:24

Messaggioda Simo the best il martedì 27 marzo 2007, 21:50

Grazie dell'aggiornamento Azra, aggiorneremo anche la scheda del gioco con queste nuove immagini :wink:

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Messaggioda Simo the best il sabato 31 marzo 2007, 10:17

Adesso anche in homepage :)

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Iscritto il: domenica 25 aprile 2004, 9:47
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