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Dark souls II

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Dark souls II

Messaggioda Xibalba il sabato 8 dicembre 2012, 13:15

appena annunciato ai VGA 2012


http://kotaku.com/5966805/dark-souls-ii ... e-director

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Ultima modifica di Xibalba il lunedì 10 dicembre 2012, 11:45, modificato 1 volta in totale.
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Dottor Jones
Dottor Jones
Messaggi: 1295
Iscritto il: martedì 24 giugno 2008, 20:09
Località: Roma

Re: Dark souls II

Messaggioda ThinoRhobu il domenica 9 dicembre 2012, 1:16

L'autore del caricamento non ha reso disponibile questo video #-o
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Re: Dark souls II

Messaggioda Dorus il domenica 9 dicembre 2012, 17:24

Sono quelle notizie meravigliose che quando meno ti aspetti !!BANG!! ti prendono come un dropkick alle ginocchia ti svitano il cranio e tu muori felice sul pavimento.
Hook: "Preparati a morire"
Peter Pan: "Morire sarebbe un'avventura fantastica"
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Dottor Jones
Dottor Jones
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Iscritto il: mercoledì 2 marzo 2011, 0:38
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Re: Dark souls II

Messaggioda Xibalba il domenica 9 dicembre 2012, 20:52

Drx ha scritto:Sono quelle notizie meravigliose che quando meno ti aspetti !!BANG!! ti prendono come un dropkick alle ginocchia ti svitano il cranio e tu muori felice sul pavimento.


come non quotarti :D

però ho letto che il game director non sarà più lo stesso dei precedenti ds ma ci saranno Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura uno di questi ha lavorato anche per monster hunter (quindi imho non è del tutto un male)
e che vogliono renderlo più approciabile per un maggior numero di utenza e hanno citato skyrim ecc
il che mi spaventa

An eternal battle rages at the heart of Dark Souls II. On one side stands the stern force of challenge, the very soul of the Souls series. It has inspired thousands of fans to hack their way through two of the most demanding and rewarding games of an era, fans who expect at least the same test on the next go around. On the other side is the bright promise of accessibility. And why not? Why shouldn’t FromSoftware and Namco Bandai open Souls up to a wider audience when it could otherwise be in danger of becoming stuck in a cult cul-de-sac?

There are many, after all, who have been put off by the series’ habit of obscuring its best assets from all but the most committed. Entire systems, such as Dark Souls’ covenants and Demon’s Souls’ World Tendency, remain mysteries to even reasonably experienced players – wouldn’t it be a service to the games to help everyone understand them better? On the other hand, isn’t the very nature of the Souls series about obfuscation and what it makes you work for? Aren’t its greatest pleasures about the slow crawl of discovery in a world that refuses easy interpretation? What would the series lose if it was made more explicit?

As we find out in issue 249, the answers to these questions are in the hands of game directors new to the Souls series, Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura, who have taken the reins from Hidetaka Miyazaki. Their descriptions of how they intend to mould Dark Souls II into a more approachable form seem reasonable. But Shibuya admits that their approach will be influenced by their individual characters. “I personally am the sort of person who likes to be more direct than subtle,” he tells us. “[Dark Souls II] will be more straightforward and more understandable.” We sympathise if that sort of statement concerns you, but at the same time, we can surely agree that we would all like to see Dark Souls attain as great a presence as The Elder Scrolls. How it gets there is a worthy matter for debate, but it’s certainly a noble task..
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Dottor Jones
Dottor Jones
Messaggi: 1295
Iscritto il: martedì 24 giugno 2008, 20:09
Località: Roma

Re: Dark souls II

Messaggioda John il lunedì 10 dicembre 2012, 17:40

Prima o poi me ne giocherò uno... Soltanto ora tra il poco tempo ed i molti arretrati non è proprio il gioco adatto...

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
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Iscritto il: lunedì 3 settembre 2007, 22:06
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Re: Dark souls II

Messaggioda Xibalba il sabato 15 dicembre 2012, 15:58

alcuni dettagli dall'intervista in esclusiva su EDGE

-This the article source for the infamous "we want the skyrim audience" quote. To be perfectly clear, even though this was already known, this quote is from the writers of the article and not From Software.

-Huge leap in graphical quality. The game is compared to Watch Dogs and Star Wars 1313. Dynamic lighting and smoother animations all around.

-Hidetake Miyazaki, the director for Dark/Demon's souls, will not be directing the game and will only be lightly involved in the production. To be perfectly honest it basically seems like his name is there to be there- his involvement is mostly about getting the project started and occasionally checking in on it.

-The unknown nature of the games came from Miyazaki's interest in western fantasy/mythology and his relative inability to read the English text as a child, leaving him to fill in the blanks.

-Miyazaki was disappointed about having to patch Dark Souls, saying that they pushed the game out without being 100% complete. Dark Souls II will be complete when it launches.

-Server based PVP is back (yay!)

-The information about the directors for the game is worrying. Information is unclear whether or not Miyazaki willingly stepped down from the director's chair. Namco calls is a "company decision" and has this disturbing anecdote to share:

"For the IP to evolve and provide a new experience within the Dark Souls world the new wind from directors Shibuya and Tanimura is key to providing players with a brand new Dark Souls experience. In order to maintain expectations and satisfaction and the rewards players experience this was the time to bring in new characteristics and tastes of the directors for the series to continue evolving."

That **** sounds worrying to me. I could just be paranoid since this is one of the last bastions of hardcore gaming being released, but it sounds too much like PR bull ****.

-Miyazaki is working on a new game he can't talk about.

-Miyazaki is disappointed he doesn't have a greater role in Dark Souls II

-The Graphics are shockingly close to the trailer's quality

-According to Shibuya, one of the co-directors, the player's ability to parse meaning from subtle hints or clues will determine the difficulty of the game and the challenges that are there to experience.

-The map is roughly the same size, but has more content and more "areas of interest".

-The notion that Dark Souls needs to evolve was "common". Edge says not to expect a minor update.

-In designing map areas, the main concept was to create areas that had not been in either game.

-Talks of implementing a system that will let you reveal the clues you've learned over the course of the game (wut?)

-Shibuya talks about "limiting players options for the early portion of the game, making it simpler to understand new concepts. Then, after a certain amount of time has elapsed, they will suddenly experience the true dark souls experience".

-The game is a direct sequel to Dark Souls, but will not take place in Lordran. It takes place in the same world, but in a different location.

-Time travel may play a part in the plot, and the "theme" of the game is "time" and "eras"

-Shibuya does not intend to change the controls.

-There may be slight awkwardness coming in from Dark Souls, but people should be able to adapt easily.

-Covenants will return, but be easier to understand

-Dark Souls II will be more straightforward and understandable in regards to gameplay and plot. Sibuya says he enjoyed the way Dark souls handled things, but he feels that there were elements so subtle that almost no one experienced them.

-The game has been in development since September of last year, and work on the patch/DSII was done simultaneously.

-The team for DSII is substantially bigger. The team for world construction is doubled in size, and people have been added in every other area as well.

-The game is roughly 25% complete. Very unlikely to release in 2013.

sinceramente comincio ad aver paura di quello che uscirà fuori
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Dottor Jones
Dottor Jones
Messaggi: 1295
Iscritto il: martedì 24 giugno 2008, 20:09
Località: Roma

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